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The usual schedule for the Sunday School and Preschool kids to sing for church is on the first Sunday of the month. The kids will sing for the last time for the 2023-24 school year on Sunday, May 5.


The Sunday School lessons that will be taught in May are:

  • 5th Zacchaeus
  • 12th Mary Anoints Jesus
  • 19th Talents


The Sunday Bible class continues to work its way through John's Gospel. When pastor Bauer returns on May 5, we will take up John chapter 9 which covers the healing of the man born blind and chapter 10 which begins with Jesus' discourse on Himself as the Good Shepherd. Adult Bible class meets in the New Life Café from 10:45-11:45 AM on Sundays during the school year.


In the month of May, the men's Bible class will work on finishing up the study entitled about the Bible, its inerrancy, inspiration and canonicity. Men's Bible class begins at 11:30 AM on Fridays with lunch. The class ends by 1:00 PM.


A second preschool open house is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM. Most of the new students enrolled in our preschool come because of word of mouth. If you know of any parents with preschool aged children, please encourage them to stop by for a tour and to meet the staff. This past school year, our preschool had full enrollment for the first time ever. It would be great to continue that trend. The open house will also be for the Sprouts program.


Buzz buzz! That's the sound of the Little Sprouts as they creep, crawl and fly into the month of May to a unit on bugs. We will get to play with jumbo sized bugs, decorate a beautiful butterfly and read Eric Carle's "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." We will also make a top secret special craft for our very special moms. Our last theme for the year is Down on the Farm. There will be "dirty" pig finger painting, chickens laying letter eggs, a farm bingo game to help practice good listening skills and fun barnyard books to read. It is very hard to believe that our school year is almost over!

Our Jesus lessons this month are: "Jesus Visits Mary and Martha", "Jesus Returns to Heaven", "God Takes Care of the Birds," and "Jesus is Our Rock."

- Mrs. Rachel Andrews


It is hard to believe the school year is coming to an end. This will be our last month of school. This month, we will be busy preparing for our final "Sunday Sing" with the Sunday School children on Sunday, May 5th. Additionally, we will be preparing for our final Spring Show. The Spring Show is on Sunday, May 19th at 1:30 PM. After the program which lasts about 20 minutes, we will come down to the fellowship hall to enjoy some treats. The whole thing will last about an hour. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

This month, in both classes, we will learn the theme "Farming." The children will do a variety of different projects and activities. During Jesus Time we will learn the following stories: "The Coming of the Holy Spirit, Faithful Stephen, Philip Tells a Man About Jesus," and "Jesus Blesses the Children." At the end of the month, both classes will enjoy a field trip to Volkening Heritage Farm in Schaumburg. They will get to see what an old working farm looked like, and visit some of the animals that live on a farm. On our final days of Preschool, Thursday, May 30th, and Friday, May 31st, we will celebrate with a special Game Day and an Ice Cream Party!

Finally, thank you to everyone who made this year a success. A huge shout out to my helpers Mrs. Rachel, Mrs. Kelly, and Mrs. Katie. I wish everyone a wonderful Summer Break and good luck to all my students going to new schools next year for Kindergarten!

- Mrs. Lori Dundore, Teacher/ Director


The Spring preschool program is scheduled for Sunday, May 19 at 1:30 PM. Something to eat and drink will be served after the program. The members of New Life, who make the preschool program possible, are invited to attend. The program usually lasts 20 minutes.


Green Team will meet twice in the month of May, on May 9 and 23 . At the meeting on the 9th the kids will learn about the Pablo Picasso and have their pine car derby. On the 23rd the kids will learn about Marcel Duchamp and enjoy a cookout and outdoor games.

Green Team begins at 6:30 PM and ends at 8:00 PM. There is not cost or obligation for attending. Kids who are preschool through eighth grade are invited to come to Green Team.


On Mother's Day, Sunday, May 12, the church council will be serving breakfast before the service, starting at 8:30 AM. Everyone is invited to this breakfast.


It's that time of year again to clean up our section of Long Grove Road: Sunday, May 5th at Noon. More helpers mean a faster cleaning time. Scratch the itch to don one of those stylish orange vests. Picking up the garbage people hurl out their car windows can be a great way to get some fresh air.


The Branch Connection will host a rummage sale at New Life on Saturday, June 15.

We are accepting donations of good-condition:

  • Books
  • Toys
  • Jewelry
  • Household Items
  • Furniture
  • Sports Equipment
  • Small Electronics
  • Kids' and Baby Clothes

Start saving your gently used items to donate to the sale! Proceeds to benefit The Branch Connection of New Life.


Vacation Bible School is scheduled for July 22-26, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM each morning. Please include the week of VBS in your summer schedule.


Some of you may work for an employer that allows employees to designate contributions to certain charitable organizations. Tree of Life Lutheran Preschool is recognized by the United Way and has assigned our preschool the following number. Any and all contributions to the preschool are appreciated. Tree of Life is designed to serve as a self-supporting preschool.


The Thrivent Choice® program lets eligible members recommend where some of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans' charitable outreach funds go by directing Choice Dollars®. You can direct your funds to New Life Lutheran Church and/or Tree of Life Lutheran Preschool. The deadline for directing funds is March 31, 2024.


While updating Ministry plans for the next fiscal year it was noted that again the Elder's plan includes assisting members or friends of New Life with emergency assistance. Emergency assistance is often needed due to weather related emergencies. Be mindful that New Life has access to equipment and tools not always readily available to the person in need. Examples include generators, chainsaws, etc. Often times it may be as simple as just needing some extra hands to address a need. So, in the event you need help, please do not hesitate to call. To request assistance, simply call church at 847-438-5018 and leave a message. Have a wonderful safe summer!

-- Mike Spangle - Elder